2007年12月1日 星期六


30.11.2007(左起)炎城、我、强基与瑞基在Sibu Cafe-Cafe共享午餐。


Sibu Cafe-Cafe楼上。

昨天30.11.2007约了炎城(名Yam Seng、号“饮胜”)吃午饭,他竟然在诗巫大伯公旁边的cafe-cafe的旁边书店巧遇在从民都鲁来办事的老朋友--强基与瑞基两兄弟。Sibu Boy蔡瑞基校长巧好也是我十一月头在民都鲁的采访对象。


3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I have to warn you that don't give me any execuses just because you are still half way moving into your new office. No matter how busy you are don't you ever forget that you have to performance extra duty apart from your present duty i.e. "Yongsun Happy Paradise Happening"..

leyasen 提到...

Thank U Yongsun. I just come back from a short mission to Sri Aman (6-9-12-07)- a group of 16 members from Huai Ang church led by our Pastor Lau & Church Leader Mr. Ling. It was my first experience and a challenge to give testimony infront of so many people. We were well treated and had a good taste of durians. How nice. I shall go further from there. But earlier, I was in Kuching (2-5-12-07) to keep my medical appointment at the Nerological Clinic, Kuching. General Hospital on 5-12-07. Lucky me! I was down with abdominal pain and was admitted into Timberland Medical Centre on 3-4.12-07 NIL BY MOUTH for 1 day & 1 night. I read 1 book. Thank God I survived & back in time to fulfil my first mission to spread the good tidings after completing my Disciple II. My battle has just begun - for my health & for my life. God bless.

杨善 提到...

yam seng
Take Care, my friend.
God bless your Way!